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Taking action for our enviorment! 熱血青年採取行動!

中科局徵才: 中部學生舉牌抗議友達后里違法施工

三月 20, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響





[熱血] 台大快閃‧快閃友達

三月 16, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響


2010/3/14下午四點在台大杜鵑花節企業徵才博覽會上,六、七名台大學生從「友達光電」攤位前繞行椰林大道,高喊「 中科設廠,土地硬搶;政府不擋,友達好爽;台大徵才,友達死當」,抗議中科三期無視環評、違法在台中后里設廠一事。

Categories: 活動 標籤:環保署, NTU, 友達, 台大, 后里, 中科三期

3/16 中科四期,血淚科技:一場踐踏農漁生存權的虛假科技夢

三月 15, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響

時間:2010316 ()  14:00

地 點:立法院中興大樓 103

出 席:相思寮農民、王功漁民、二林農民、中科三期后里農民、林淑芬立委

中科三期因「健康風險評估不實」而掀起的廣大社會抗爭未平,中科四期竟然要在「完全未做健康風險評估」、 環境爭議不斷、又無迫切必要的情形下,繼續強行開發!

由環評委員與法院指出的「中科三期與光電產業對中部居民罹癌疑慮」未 解,國科會卻又重蹈覆轍,以廠商建廠急迫性與擴大光電產業群聚規模為由,開發二林園區。我們質疑:中科四期根本沒有建廠的急迫性,而 且二林區位也不符光電產業聚落的最佳區位,中科四期僅僅圖利單一廠商,卻讓中部居民的居住權、健康權與台灣農漁業永續環境付出無可挽 回的血淚代價。


全台科學園區聞置用地尚有253公頃,國科會為了開發科學園區已負債上千億,如今不 思如何好好利用已開發之土地,尚要開發631公 頃的四期二林園區?簡直是浪費公帑與國土資源的惡行。

國科會強調中科四期開發時程具有急迫性,因為廠商「即時」建廠量產的商機、「只要落後一年,就可能OUT」(開中部科學工業園區第四期(二林園區)發計畫與細部計畫書,頁2-5),但國科會對於友 達動工時程,上月說99年 動工(國科 會-保留相 思寮評估報告), 隔月又說友達100年 動工 (國科會-中 科四期開發計畫時程等相關資料),若 真如國科會自己所言,廠商投資一年都等不得,國科會為何對於友達開發時程說詞反覆?再加上友達后里園區原先預定於98年裝機試產,至今連工 廠都尚未完工,何來建廠急迫之說?

按照國科會的規劃,二林園區主要是做為光電產業聚落發展之基地,然而國科會為光電產業規劃了214公頃的土地,其中友 達單一廠商就佔了200公 頃。況且,目前核淮在二林園區開發的廠商僅有3家, 除了友達之外,雖外兩家皆與光電產業無關,可見二林園區假藉產業發展為名,實則獨厚單一廠商。為何友達不至閒置土地尚有200多公頃且已經形成光 電群聚的南科投資,更可獲得產業群聚的上下游交易與產業創新競合之效?可見二林園區開發全然不具國土資源配置的合理性與產業群聚的真 實需求!


在種種不合理、不科學的開發說詞之下,中科四期倉促動工,將嚴重破壞台灣中部居民的生存權利與聚落紋理。中 科四期的廢水放流至農田中,將台灣中部千頃糧倉化為毒田,沿海地區養殖出毒牡蠣、毒石斑、毒九孔;科學園區為了工業用水,強制關閉農 田灌溉水源,田地即便不受汙染,也因缺水而被迫休耕。

而中科四期基地上的農業聚落相思寮,就算與廠商所欲利用的土地範圍及開發時程毫無衝突,卻將因「農 業聚落與科學園區意象不符」的理由遭到強制搬遷,國科會不但以「意象不符」這種歧視農民、全無科學理性的語言進行空間規劃、迫遷農 民,更以相同理由強行違反科學工業園區設置管理條例第15條之規定:「…園區得劃定一部分地區作為社區,配售與園區內被徵收土地或建物之原所有權人供興建住宅使用…」,不願給予相思寮居民在科學園區內優先承買土地的權利,我們實難相信這樣的行政機關 有何智慧與品德帶領台灣產業升級。

國科會在規劃報告中再三強調「中科不動工,將影響台灣面板業全球布局」,但若台灣 面板業獲利的代價,是中部居民罹癌、農產品染毒、沿海成為死海,我們要這樣的產業何用?在國土復育聲浪上漲的今日,讓台灣 西部優良農漁生產區域佈滿科學園區是應有的科技產業政策嗎?興建中科四期,台灣人民僅僅得到一個模糊而誇大的科技產業願景,卻 失去了賴以維生的土地與農業,國科會身為國家行政機關,有責任給台灣人民更優質的生活環境,為何推出一個欺上瞞下、疑雲重重的中科四 期開發案,顯有瀆職嫌疑,應當立即停止動工!

新聞連絡人:林樂昕 0922-696075

環保署激情過後—我想認識你 By 反中科熱青 紀心

三月 4, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響

文/ 反中科熱青-紀心







聯絡人:小八 0922696075

博任 0986611914



Categories: 活動 標籤:熱血青年, 環保署, 中科三期

聲援韓國三星罹癌員工 國際連署行動正式展開

三月 3, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響

大家快去連署,只要動動手指就能參與聲援(目前只有兩百多筆)。中科三期后里阿伯講他們村民血液中戴奧辛濃度是其他村的六倍,而3/10 RCA案也將在台北地方法院繼續開庭訊問證人,企業帶來的工殤與農殤,面對這樣的惡勢力,需要你更多的關注與聲援!


以下文章轉載自: 叫三星企業負起責任!!!!!(中文簡譯)@Ching-Mei Lin 林靜梅

在韓國電子製造商三星企業內工作的家人和朋友們,發現暴露在有毒化學物質的年輕工人,好像出現了群聚罹患癌症的現 象.這個罹癌死亡的模式,似乎跟美國IBM、罹癌的模式 很相似,或是和世界其他地方的電子業罹癌模式很像.三月 六號,是三星半導體工廠勞工黃小姐,死亡三週年的忌日, 她才二十二歲,死於血癌.也有工人也死於癌症,這讓人們必需 要求三星.

寫信給韓國總統李明博,三星電子總裁,勞工部部長,韓國工 人賠償及福利服務機關,和韓國職業安全和健康機構的總裁.

3)防止未來繼續傷害或不當對待勞工,必需確保三星有無毒的 工作模式與環境,給予工人尊嚴和尊重.

三星拒絕負責,韓國政府也偏袒企業,拒絕賠償,甚至還逮捕、 扣押受害者的律師,黃小姐的家人和同事、朋友,和其他 關心的人們,已經成立了支持團體(支持人民在半導體產業的健 康和人權團體),想要來討回公道.

這個支持團體,SHARPS,現在請求,世界上所有關心的 人,來加入喚醒全球的人來關心在電子業所產生的相關職業 災害,要求三星和其他電子業,必須負起責任.其中,我們 的支持團體要告訴三星,世界上所有關心這件事的人也要提出以 下的要求:

•韓國政府,必需做出決定,讓三星企業對於造成工人生病負 起責任,並給予公平的賠償,尤其當工人因工生病或受傷.

•韓國政府必須保護工人,也必需有所回應,尤其對那些因為三 星而造成傷害的工人和他們的家人.

•三星電子必須對工人揭露所有的事實,接露那些在半導體製程 中、可能造成傷害的真相.



Calling on Samsung to Accept Responsibility for Occupational Deaths
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Petition Calling on Samsung to Accept Responsibility for Occupational Deaths and to Provide Safe and Decent Working Conditions

The families and friends of electronics manufacturing workers at Samsung in Korea have discovered a cancer cluster among young workers exposed to toxic chemicals. The pattern of cancer deaths bears a striking resemblance to the pattern of cancer deaths among IBM “chip” workers in the US* and to other electronics cancer clusters around the world. March 6th is the third anniversary of the death of Yu-mi Hwang, a Samsung semiconductor factory worker, who died from leukemia at age 22. Her death – and similar coworker deaths – has motivated people to demand that Samsung:

Addressed to:
Myung-bak Lee, the President of Korean Government
Gee-sung Choi, CEO of Samsung electronics
Tae-hee Yim, the Minister of Labor
Won-bae Kim, the President of COMWEL, the Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service
Min-ki Noh, CEO of KOSHA, the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency

Sponsored by: Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry (SHARPs), Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU), Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV) and International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT)

The families and friends of electronics manufacturing workers at Samsung in Korea have discovered a cancer cluster among young workers exposed to toxic chemicals. The pattern of cancer deaths bears a striking resemblance to the pattern of cancer deaths among IBM “chip” workers in the US* and to other electronics cancer clusters around the world. March 6th is the third anniversary of the death of Yu-mi Hwang, a Samsung semiconductor factory worker, who died from leukemia at age 22. Her death – and similar coworker deaths – has motivated people to demand that Samsung:

1) accept responsibility for the hazards of semiconductor manufacturing,
2) compensate those harmed; and
3) prevent future suffering and mistreatment of workers by making Samsung a toxics-free model workplace where workers are treated with dignity and respect.

Samsung denies all responsibility, and the Korean government has taken its side by denying compensation and even arresting and detaining the victims’ lawyer! Yu-mi’s family, co-workers, friends and other concerned people have formed SHARPs (Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry) to demand justice.

SHARPS is now asking concerned people around the world to join their campaign for international solidarity to raise awareness about occupational disease in the electronics industry and bring accountability to Samsung (and the rest of the electronics industry). In particular SHARPS is asking people to tell Samsung that people around the world endorse these just demands:

•The Korean government must determine that Samsung is responsible for causing the worker’s illnesses and fair compensation must be paid when workers get sick or are injured on the job
•The Korean government must protect the workers and give voice to the victims and their families who have suffered and bring accountability to Samsung
•Samsung Electronics must disclose to the workers and the public the truth about the hazards of working in the semiconductor industry
•Samsung Electronics must stop suppressing workers in their struggles for a safe and fair workplace.

Please add your voice by signing this petition to support SHARPs in their campaign for international solidarity.

- see — “Mortality among US employees of a large computer manufacturing company: 1969–2001”

If you want to sign this petition, please click here . It will open in a new window for you to sign the petition.

Categories: 活動 標籤:職災, 農殤, RCA, 工傷, 戴奧辛, 三星罹癌


三月 3, 2010 mhlin 1 comment



[Taipei Times]Activists, farmers clash with police outside EPA

三月 2, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響

ARK LIFE: Liao Ming-tien said the Taichung County Science Park would take all the water, pollute the soil and that monetary compensation would be useless
By Jenny W. Hsu
Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010, Page 2

Environmental activists burn a model of the Environmental Protection Administration building in Taipei yesterday during a protest in front of the agency over the Central Taiwan Science Park’s third-stage development project.

More than 100 environmental activists and farmers clashed with police during a protest at the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) yesterday, demanding an immediate halt to all construction work at the Central Taiwan Science Park, citing irreversible pollution.

Protesters threatened to put the science park under siege by the middle of this month if the EPA refused to stop the work.

Calling Environmental Protection Administration Minister Stephen Shen (沈世宏) the “ringleader” of a gang destroying farmland and killing residents of the county, the protesters said the EPA had violated a Supreme Administrative Court verdict in January which ruled the 2005 environmental impact assessment had been invalid.

A second review should take place before the project is given the green light because the plan was deemed to have “serious environmental consequences” for local residents, the court ruling said.

The former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration approved the site for use as a high-tech science park five years ago. Environmental groups fought the decision and eventually convinced the court to look into the matter.

In January, the Supreme Administrative Court sided with the protesters and ruled that, because of the complexity of the issue and the potential health threat to local residents, the EPA should have conducted a second assessment before giving the companies the go-ahead to start construction.

Several firms have continued construction in spite of the ruling.

“The EPA blatantly disregarded the law. Since when is it OK for a government agency to break the law and get away with it?” asked a 23-year-old protester surnamed Lee, who was part of a throng demanding that the EPA force all of the companies to halt construction until a further assessment had been conducted.

Lee said he was advised not to give his full name for fear of police retaliation.

Protesters burned an effigy of the EPA building and two straw men representing Shen, while a shaman staged a “prayer service” beseeching the gods to “bring the EPA to its senses.”

More than 100 uniformed officers were deployed and a physical altercation occurred when the police forcibly put out the fire with an extinguisher.

Protesters shouted “police violence” and called for Shen’s resignation.

In a press release, the EPA reiterated its stance that the National Science Council (NSC) was the government agency in charge of the project, not the EPA.

Sections 14 and 22 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act (環境影響評估法) were irrelevant to this case because they only apply to developments and commercial operations that have never been approved by an EIA review committee, the press release said.

The EPA said the companies have been required to conduct additional health risk assessments to be submitted to the EIA review committee. Companies that do not pass the second assessment would have their construction permit revoked.

Liao Ming-tien (廖明田), a Houli Township (后里鄉) flower farmer, said he has nothing against big corporations, but the government owes the people an explanation.

“The science park will use up most of the water supply in the area, which means we would have insufficient water for irrigation. The toxins produced by the science park will seep through and eventually cause irreversible damage to crops and soil,” Liao said, saying the government’s offer of monetary compensation would be “useless.”

Potato farmer Chiang Ching-wu (江清武) feared the pollution would last for generations and jeopardize the health of the entire nation because “people, including Shen and his family, would be consuming toxic fruit and vegetables.”
This story has been viewed 470 times.

2010-03-01公視晚間新聞(中科三期未停工 環團.農民北上抗議)

三月 2, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響

另外一則環境新聞、是有關中科三期在五年前通過的環評、今年初遭到最高行政法院撤銷, 但是環保署一直沒有要求廠商停工,引起環保團體跟地方農民的強烈不滿;他們今天下午再 度前往環保署抗議,要求立刻停工。不過環保署表示,一切都是依法行政,不會要求中科停 工。

環評撤銷仍施工 民眾赴環保署抗議
在 環保署門口,灑下冥紙,抗議民眾,更點火燒紙糊的環保署模型,他們不滿,環保署五年 前通過的中科三期環評,已經被最高行政法院撤銷,但環保署卻不要求廠商停工。

怒火燒向環保署 警民激烈推擠
點燃的怒火一發不可收 拾,警方如臨大敵,拿起滅火器趕緊滅火,現場又是一陣激烈的推擠 。

中科施工土地遭殃 農民百般無奈
來自台中后里的農民代表,更 大聲懇求沈世宏出面聽聽他們的聲音。

有律師拿出環保署花了九十七萬,在五大報刊登關於中科三期說明的廣告,批評環保署拿人 民的納稅錢,卻公然踐踏司法。

民眾聲嘶力竭 盼見署長將心比心
過抗議民眾喊得聲嘶力竭,依舊盼不到署長沈世宏出面,環保 署派出主管環評業務的官員說 明,再次強調,一切的都是依法行政。

依「法」辦理 官員.民眾解讀不同
多次抗議,依舊換來 環保署一貫的回應,環保署強調的「依法」,是依法、不會由環保署要 求停工,但這個"法",顯然和抗議民眾期待的"法",毫無交集。

[華視]抗議興建中科 火燒冥紙嗆環署

三月 2, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響


中科園區第三期工程,今年一月被最高法院判定環評違法,卻繼續動工,下午抗議居民從台中北上,到了環保署門口燒冥紙,好幾次還企圖衝進環保署,和警 方發生激烈的肢體衝突,但是環保署堅持中科已經完成環評審查,並不適用環評法,因此中科並沒有打算停工。

一個擦槍走火, 警方的滅火器差點被抗議民眾搶走。大把大把的冥紙,就在環保署門口,當場燒起來,警方愈看愈緊張,衝突也一波接一波。看不到環保署長沈世宏出面,抗議中科 違法動工的民眾,不願意離開,擴音器,白布條,通通出動,環保署終於有人出面,不過給的答案,卻叫抗議民眾愈聽愈生氣,環保署依的法到底是什麼法?最高法 院卻判定,中科三期的環評違法,但是到目前都沒有停工的跡象,后里居民更忍受不了,當地不斷有污染事件傳出來,中科就是不肯停工。中科從95年先通過環評 之後,國科會就開始動工興建,沒想到四年後,最高法院卻認為當初的環評違法,只不過環保署認為中科已經完成審查,並不適用環評法的規範,沒有停工的必要, 就算當地居民好幾次北上陳情,似乎還是動搖不了,中科要和中部居民並存的命運。

[蘋果日報] 百人嗆中科 火攻「環署」

三月 2, 2010 mhlin 發表迴響
台北市 2010年03月02日蘋果日報


不滿中科三期后里開發案遭最高行政法院撤銷環評結論後,環保署未要求開發單位停工,上百名當地居 民、環保團體及聲援學生,昨前往位於台北市的環保署前抗爭,要求立即下令停工。

環評惹議 要求停工

抗 議民眾高呼「環保署踐踏司法」口號,並焚燒紙紮的環保署模型及撒冥紙抗爭(左圖),還與警察發生肢體衝突,所幸無人受傷,現場火勢也立刻撲滅。
環 保署綜合計劃處副處長劉宗勇回應表示,中科開發案依法辦理,雖然環評結論被推翻,但開發許可為國科會、營建署所核發,並非環保署職權範圍。由於未 獲環保署具體承諾,上百民抗議群眾揚言未來會採取更激烈的抗爭手段,不排除圍場抗爭。





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